Hi and welcome to the inept blog...
Its an interesting thing this investing lark and although i've dabbled in the past its not something i've really got into properly and not in such a speculative way before.
My investments will not only be crypto based.
I have for a few years purchased the odd painting. Not primarily as an investment but I buy stuff I like. However having sold a few bits of hobby equipment (perhaps more on this later) I am purchasing a few cheap, VERY cheap, paintings that take my fancy more for there asthetic appeal than for investment but with one eye on investment as well.
I will likely document the art stuff here as well and include them in the investment portfolio.
However you may be asking 'Why Cryptocurrency ?'
Well thats a very good question. I have dabbled in a more virtual sense for some years with little monetry input. So virtual account with stock brokers etc. I did own shares when many major utilities were privatised in the UK many years ago but these were sold long ago. However I have often made very good calls on investments but mainly when I didn't have the money to invest myself but one recent situation has caused me to throw caution to the wind.
I was in a local charity shop a couple of months ago and I saw they had a picture that I very much liked. It struck me that it was well painted and although not a particularly attractive subject to many I really liked it. Being short on cash at the time to say the least I looked at it over a number of weeks and knowing I couldn't really spare the cash I did little else. Then just before christmas I was in the shop and my interest got the better of me. Something told me I should really buy it but I took some pictures of it with my phone and went home to do some research.
As it turned out it was by the artist Edith Hume who was a british artist working in the Netherlands in the late 1800s to early 1900s. She had done many paintings of local dutch people on beach scenes. The painting for which the charity shop wanted approximately £90 if I remember correctly is probably worth anything up to £6000 although around the £1000 - 2000 mark is more likely. If you brought this then very well done but it was gone when I rushed down to get it the next morning.
So this made me decide that I should start to follow my hunches and have the courage of my convictions.
So I have had a hunch about Bitcoin for quite a long time and like many others wished i'd got into it at the beginning of this new phenomenon. So driven by my newly found inertia I am having a dabble in both cryptos and paintings and documenting these here.
Of course with paintings if all else fails I end up with something to look at if I buy what I like but with cryptos I could end up with nothing tangible at all if, as is widely predicted, the bubble bursts.
Lets see what happens. It could be a wild ride !
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