Saturday 19 May 2018

Missed the boat....again !

Looking at the charts the cryptos I hold jumped up at the beginning of this month.... then dropped again.

Had I been on my toes i'd have taken what I could at the peak, around 5th May, then jumped back in around now as they dropped again thus trying to gain back a little of my losses.

However I find that now i'm back in work that has taken most of my attention. I need to get into a routine of checking activity on my coinbase account on a regular basis.

So theres a lesson to be learnt there for all of us. Don't just sit back and leave investments to do their stuff. Particularly with volotile gambles like cryptos. So due to my inactivity the value of my holding has dropped agaon.

I really must get a grip !

Total Invested so far = £189.16p
13/01/18 - Bank Transfer to Coinbase £185.16 + Bank Charge of £4
Current Crypto Values
Bitcoin £60.03
Litecoin £49.16
Total Current Value = £109.19